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John Ro's
Personal Website

About me

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Quick Summary

Hello World! My name is John Ro and I'm a software engineer looking to join the field. I graduated from University of Washington with a degree in Psychology with a strong background Science. I enjoy working in the field of medicine but I found myself deeply immersed and passionate about programming that I decided to learn more this field. I realize being a software engineer is the perfect fit for me. So I decided to pursue a degree in Computer Science and Eletrical engineering at Oregon State University.

My Journey

I am currently a student at Oregon State University pursing a degree in Computer Science. I have experience working with Python, Django, Microsoft Macro Assembler, JavaScript, HTML, CSS and React. Outside of my classes I like to work on personal projects to further improve my technical skills. Some of them includes implementing a React front end with a Django back end. I also like working with Python base projects to improve my technical skills in Python. Prior to this degree, I received a degree in Psychology from University of Washington. During that time, I took heavy science classes and have research experience.

My Skills and Technologies

List of Projects

Youtube Mp3/Mp4 Downloader

This project is a Python base project that uses some modules such as Tkinter, Moviepy and Pytube. It contains a GUI that allows users to input the youtube url and some options. It will ask the user to find the directory to save the file to. It also provides an option to download the video in either mp3 format or mp4 format.

Monopoly Backend

This Python base projects is the logic for a typical Monopoly game. It does not have any GUI and is mostly made for the backend of a monopoloy game. It allows up to 4 players and allows users to add land and the price of each lands. It will keep track of user's

Exercise Tracker

This project is a full stack/MERN developement. It allows user to track their workout history. It provides the user to add title, reps, weight or units. Then users can edit or delete the added exercise as well. Its a good way to keep track of your daily exercise.

Symptom Tracker

This is a full stack projects that uses React as a front end and a flask back end. It has a page where it connects to a API that stores articles about certain symptoms. It allows users to find article that contains informations about their symptoms. It then also has another page that allows users to keep track of their symptoms like a diary. It has an option to add the symptom, the date and a descriptions about their symptoms.

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